Past and current partners and clients

FVD on Twitter
We are seeking a Stage Manager to join our Súper Chefs tour ASAP!!
📅Apply by 10am Mon 24th April
🎭Performing @MigMatFest, @TheatrePeckham and @Stanley_Arts.
Full info here: https://mayaproductions.co.uk/super-chefs-tour-stage-manager/
#ArtJobs #theatre #theatrejobs #Diversity #LatinAmerican #stage
Arts & Population Health Week 🎭
Today sees the launch of our new report showing how engaging in the arts & culture is linked to better health across the lifespan
Throughout this week we will be sharing key findings each day. 🧵
2021-22 was a year of exciting growth for the #Maths Masterclass Tutorials (a @MESMEmaths Maths Circle). Our #tutors delivered high quality, engaging sessions, ensuring attendance remained above 90%. We even expanded our extra-curricular offering, hosting several online events.
Class of ‘86 graduate Sir Andrew Dilnot speaking now to @OUBEP & @NuffieldCollege alumni on the economics of #socialcare and what needs to change to ensure provision of care & the future of 1.5m carers working in the U.K. today #socialcarecrisis #OUBEP70